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Life After the Lapiplasty® Procedure



November 8, 2022 — Susan Panepinto recently contributed an article to the Jersey City Patch in which she discussed her experience living with bunion deformities for more than 30 years before finally discovering a treatment option that fit her lifestyle called Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction.

“I went to at least a dozen doctors who offered me traditional bunionectomy procedures, but I never even had x-rays taken because I wasn’t comfortable with that surgical option,” explained Susan. “I even thought about visiting a doctor in Chicago who was performing a different type of procedure, but I realized that it would be too difficult to fly out there and recover from surgery so far away from home.”

Susan thought she had run out of options when a friend sent her a link to a website about Lapiplasty® 3D Bunion Correction, a relatively new procedure that differs from traditional surgery in that it corrects the unstable joint in the foot using a system of patented titanium plates. She read numerous patient testimonials and researched the procedure before making an appointment with Dr. Sarah Haller at Essex Union Podiatry.

“Dr. Haller explained the procedure to me in full detail and answered all of my questions,” said Susan. “Lapiplasty® was about addressing the root of the problem which made a lot more sense to me than shaving off the bump on the side of my foot.”

Susan underwent the Lapiplasty® Procedure on her left foot in March 2022. She spent two weeks off her foot before using a walking boot. Six weeks after surgery, she returned to work in a regular walking shoe.

“Time off your feet can seem daunting, but it taught me to slow down and focus on my health,” expressed Susan. “I learned a lot from the experience and am looking forward to having both of my feet corrected.”

About four months after surgery, Susan has returned to water aerobics classes, biking and swimming. She has also noticed that her foot’s appearance has improved significantly.

Lapiplasty® is a surgical procedure. Only a surgeon can tell if Lapiplasty® procedure is right for you. As with any surgical treatment, there are risks; individual results may vary; and recovery takes time.  This experience is unique and specific to this patient only.  Potential risks include infection, pain, implant loosening and loss of correction with improper bone healing. For more information on benefits, risks and recovery, visit

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As a medical device manufacturer, Treace Medical Concepts, Inc. cannot provide any opinions or other medical advice to patients. For medical advice please contact your doctor.